home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #ifndef __CLISTMANAGER__
- #define __CLISTMANAGER__
- #ifndef __QUICKDRAW__
- #include <Quickdraw.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef __LISTS__
- #include <Lists.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef __DIALOGS__
- #include <Dialogs.h>
- #endif
- class CListManager : public SingleObject
- {
- public:
- CListManager(short dialogItem, DialogPtr theDialog, short width = 1, short height = 0);
- ~CListManager();
- void AddItem(StringPtr theItem, Cell theCell);
- void RemoveItem(Cell theCell);
- void RemoveItem(StringPtr theItem);
- Boolean GetItem(StringPtr theData, Cell &theCell);
- void SetItem(StringPtr theString, Cell theCell);
- Boolean InsertItem(StringPtr theItem);
- Boolean FindItem(StringPtr theItem, Cell &theCell);
- Boolean FindNextSelection(Cell &theCell);
- /*
- iterators. Call GetFirstItem to get the cell
- and data of the first item; call GetNextItem to
- iterate over the rest. They return true if the item is
- real.
- */
- Boolean GetFirstItem(StringPtr theItem, Cell &theCell);
- Boolean GetNextItem(StringPtr theItem, Cell &theCell);
- void DeselectList();
- void SelectItem(StringPtr theItem);
- Boolean IsSelection();
- Boolean IsSelection(Cell &theCell); // is an item selected
- Boolean IsItemPresent(StringPtr theItem);
- Boolean IsItemSelected(Cell &theCell);
- Boolean IsItemSelected(StringPtr theItem);
- Boolean GetCurrentSelection(StringPtr theItem);
- void SelectItem(Cell &theCell);
- void DeselectItem(Cell &theCell);
- void DeleteSelection(void);
- void Update();
- void Activate();
- void Deactivate();
- void AutoScroll();
- void Empty();
- void DoDraw(Boolean drawStuff = true);
- Boolean IsEmpty() {return !GetHeight();}
- Boolean Click(Point thePoint, short modifiers);
- inline short GetHeight();
- inline short GetWidth();
- void SetList(ListHandle theList) {fTheList = theList;}
- Boolean BinarySearchInsensitive(StringPtr theItem, Cell &theCell);
- ListHandle GetList() {return fTheList;}
- protected:
- ListHandle fTheList;
- /*
- Compare function for LFind speediness. Override if you want, since
- this only checks the whole string. In theory, you could use this 2
- implement user-typed selections.
- */
- short CompareInfo(Cell theCell, short offset, short length, StringPtr theData);
- /*
- BinarySearch returns true if the item isn't in the list, false if it
- is. Kinda backwards, but hey. It's the MAIN searching procedure, used
- both by FindItem and InsertItem. Speedy, I guess. It was just nicer to
- have this binary search instead of Ye Olde Linear search that LSearch
- uses.
- */
- Boolean BinarySearch(StringPtr theItem, Cell &theCell);
- };
- #endif